How Does Satiex Work?

1. Contents Of SatieX™ Capsules Are Released in the stomach where they begin to work.

A unique synergy between SatieX™ natural gelling agents and the small snack leads to the formation of larger groups of soft food particles that adhere gently to the gut wall and travel more slowly through the gut.
Slower digestion promotes longer satiety - the SatieX™ Proprietary Seaweed Blend in an unexpected astonishing way generates a kind of “snowball effect” with other food particles, forming larger, slow-moving, digestible food masses that extend digestion time lengthening feelings of fullness.  

2. SatieX™ Contains Nutrients That Trigger Hunger Reduction Signals

SatieX™ contains specific nutrient combintations that synergistically reduce feelings of hunger.

E.g. Coconut Oil is rich in Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT’s). In combination with the fibre ingredients, the food bolus adheres gently to the wall of the gut, allowing the continual release of nutrients to the gut wall, repeatedly triggering satiety signals.

3. SatieX™ Interacts With Your Food To Create A 'Slow-Food' Effect

SatieX™ creates a “slow-food” effect promoting and prolonging feelings of fullness over time.
This effect is achieved by gentle muco-adhesion activity whereby multiple SatieX™ ingredient in combination with the digestive process promote soft food agglomerations (think “blobs”) that trigger feelings of fullness over time.