Ways To Use Satiex

Take SatieX™ on its Own, Together with a low calorie snack, or with a Meal

SatieX™ is the perfectly optimised blend of nutrients to help you reduce hunger and stay on diet. It can be taken in multiple ways to improve your will power while on a diet and to keep your fuller for longer.

Use SatieX™ in 3 different ways to increase your will-power and keep you on your diet!

  1. Try SatieX™ with 200ml of water for instant short term relief from hunger.
  2. Try SatieX™ with a small low calorie snack to get low-calorie relief from hunger for up to 2 hours.
  3. Try SatieX™ with your meals to eat less by creating a 'slow-food' effect that will keep you fuller for longer.

1. SatieX™ with 200ml Of Water

SatieX™ is the perfectly optimised blend of nutrients to help you reduce hunger and stay on diet especially when your will power is low.

Take 2 SatieX™ capsules with 200ml of water

  • The contents of the SatieX™ capsule are released into the gut as a cluster of nutrient dense ingredients.
  • These nutrient dense clusters will gently adhere to the lining of the gut and allow optimal delivery of the SatieX™ proprietary blend of hunger reduction ingredients.

2. SatieX™ Can Be Taken With Small Low Calorie Snacks

SatieX™ was originally designed to be consumed together with a small low calorie snack (such as a wholemeal cracker). This results in an unexpectedly longer time of sustained hunger abatement.


  • Take 2 SatieX™ capsules with some water.
  • Immediately consume a small low GI snack (such as a wholemeal cracker).
  • Ensure you drink at least 200ml of water.
  • That's it! - Enjoy the sustained hunger reduction benefits of the synergistic interaction between SatieX™ and the small snack.
  • Benefit from delayed hunger and less distractions keeping you on diet!

3. SatieX™ taken before a Meal keeps you feeking Fuller For Longer. SatieX™ provides a "Slow-Food" effect.

To keep you feeling fuller for longer after a meal and simultaneous help to reduce meal size, simply take 2 SatieX™ capsules with a glass of water before you eat.

Many people have reported they can significantly reduce their meal size (and therefore calorific content of a meal) as they feel fuller far sooner after taking SatieX™ pre-meal.

This can be of great help to you when participating in many of the Calories Controlled Diet Programs (e.g. Lite n'Easy™, Youfoodz™, Weight Watchers™, etc, - or one of many other calorie controlled programs).

Potential Benefits for Your Diet:

  1. Feel fuller after each calorie controlled meal.
  2. Help reduce your meal size - further reducing calorific intake.
  3. Reduce the feelings of still being hungry following a meal that often leads to snacking and breaking diet.
  4. Improve the performance of your diet - expedite weight loss.
  5. SatieX™ can be your secret weapon in keeping to your desired weight once you complete your diet.