Satiex FAQ

1. I am on a diet where I only eat during a 10-hour period each day. (i.e. time restricted eating such as intermediate fasting) Can SatieX™ capsules help when I get hungry outside this 10-hour window?

You are on a type of time-restricted feeding diet, popularly known as Intermittent Fasting.
On good days your willpower may be enough to keep you on track, however SatieX™ capsules have been designed to manage your low will-power days.

You can try taking SatieX™ capsules (preferably with a small low-GI biscuit):

whenever you get hungry, or
before you anticipate getting hungry (e.g. before a business meeting, or before you meet with other people who may eat in front of you).

SatieX™ capsules are low-energy. 2 capsules contain less than ¼ of 1% of a recommended daily energy intake. A low-GI biscuit (if taken with the SatieX™ capsules) contains less than one percent of a recommended daily energy budget. So using SatieX™ capsules has a negligible impact on your diet discipline.
SatieX™ is a Vegan, all-natural plant based product that uses a proprietary blend of sea and land plants, plant fats that makes it suitable for the Mediterranean diet and will be complementary to that diet regime you have chosen. You will likely find it particularly useful in dealing with unwanted cravings for snacks and it can also enhance feelings of fullness between meals.

The Mediterranean Diet is highly regarded by dietitians, and in 2021 was actually ranked the best diet for the fourth year in a row by a panel of health experts for the US News & World Report. The diet is based on observations of people living in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea and following a traditional lifestyle – physically active and eating a mostly plant-based, whole foods diet – live longer on average and have a much lower incidence of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

A systematic meta-review of the Mediterranean diet and health outcomes has shown a significant association between adherence to the diet and a reduction in all-cause mortality, body weight, cancer, cognitive diseases and cardiovascular disease.

As with all restrictive diets the desire to snack – especially unhealthy snacks - can be a real problem. SatieX™ was specifically designed as a highly effective tool in the battle against snacking and cravings when used as suggested with a glass of water and a small low-GI biscuit and was also specifically designed to be vegan and natural so it can be incorporated into numerous diets (such as the Mediterranean) to promote better diet and health outcomes.
SatieX™ can reduce your propensity to snack, thereby reducing overall energy intake to increase weight loss.
SatieX™ is particularly useful in dealing with unwanted cravings for snacks and it can also enhance feelings of fullness between meals. Many snacks – although moderate in calories content - can be very high sugar causing undesirable blood-sugar ‘spikes’ that are undesirable especially for people with pre-diabetes (and of course type 2 diabetes).

SatieX™ is a vegan-friendly, all-natural plant-based product that uses a proprietary blend of sea and land plants, plant fats that makes it suitable and complementary to many diet regimes – especially those that look to reduce sugar consumption and reduce calorie consumption.

You will likely find SatieX™ particularly useful in dealing with unwanted cravings for snacks and it can also enhance feelings of fullness between meals.

If you have any concerns always consult your GP or diabetes health professional.
SatieX™ is an all-natural, vegan food-based formulation developed over many years of research on how specific combinations of sea and land vegetable components can work synergistically to significantly reduce the feelings of hunger and cravings in many people.

SatieX™ comprises of almost 20 different plant-based ingredients in very specific combinations that synergistically interact within your body to naturally promote and trigger feelings of fullness. SatieX™ is 100% Vegan, Lactose free and Gluten free with no added sugar, yeast, wheat, milk or milk derivatives, artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners.

SatieX™ uses no chemical stimulants that leave you “shaking” and “quivering” or feeling “low” or “down” soon after its effects wear off. SatieX™ is not a ‘quick fix’ thermogenic (increase heat through metabolic stimulation) product that makes you jittery and hot to burn more calories. SatieX™ has been designed for use over the long-term, helping you to stick to your diet, assisting with weight loss and then allowing you to maintain your desired weight for the longer term

This is certainly not an unsual issue - many people on "low-carb" diets find them effective but also find themselves craving snacks - especially high sugar "sweets" that rapidly undo all that effort.

SatieX™ is a powerful tool in fighting poor snacking choices.

Taking SatieX™ as directed when the niggling desire for snacking appears can postpone hunger, lowering the desire to snack and help see you through to your next proper meal – not only assisting in you reducing the calories from snacking but also avoiding the undesirable processed foods, sugars and fats usually associated with the snacks.

SatieX™ can be a very powerful – all natural - tool in helping you achieve better outcomes:

  • Firstly, SatieX™ is extremely useful for many people as a powerful tool for reducing the size of a meal consumed when taken prior to the meal with a glass of water and a small low-GI biscuit. The promotion of feeling of fullness and simultaneous reduction in feelings of hunger translate into less food being consumed at the meal and therefore can result in a substantial reduction of calories consumed.

  • Secondly, SatieX™ is a powerful tool in fighting poor snacking choices. Many people find they eat highly processed foods with add sugars and fats when they are snacking in-between meals – this contributes many undesirable calories and calories from undesirable food types. Taking SatieX™ as directed when the niggling desire for snacking appears can postpone hunger, lowering the desire to snack and help see you through to your next proper meal – not only assisting in you reducing the calories from snacking but also avoiding the undesirable processed foods, sugars and fats usually associated with the snacks.
This is a very common issue and affects many people across a large number of sedentary workplaces – from truck drivers to office workers to accountants, lawyers and other professionals including many health professionals.

SatieX™ is likely to be highly beneficial and easy to use for people in your position and maybe of real benefit in helping reduce snacking and “overeating”.

Sedentary work and lifestyle in general has been associated with poor dietary decisions (especially snacking choices whilst sitting) that result in weight gain and increase risk of type-2-diabetes and other health related issues.

SatieX™ comprises of almost 20 different plant-based ingredients in very specific combinations that synergistically interact within your body to naturally promote and trigger feelings of fullness. It does so without the use of stimulants.
SatieX™ is very low in energy, (less than 3.4 calories per serve) so it makes only a negligible contribution to diets such as calorie-controlled and fasting diets and its ingredients are natural and vegan-friendly.

SatieX™ contains no added sugars (only 0.07g per capsule) and a two capsule serve is only 14kJ (3.35 Calories).

Choosing an appropriate low-calorie "snack" is important, however these will be very minor compared with the additional calories you may otherwise consume from eating - or even worse - from poor choice snacking.

Taking 2 - or even 3 - serves per day has negligible impact on any diet and are high quality, health promoting, ingredients.